I noticed the comments regarding Wayne Schafer also. I've known him since I was a small child. In fact, his mother lived just a few houses away from me and taught me piano in my elementary years, and was our closest JW friend.
Wayne has an interesting history you might not believe if I told you. During my later teen years he was disfellowshipped and went full-on apostate, and he came to the Crownsville Assembly Hall with another disfellowshipped JW to allegedly disrupt the assembly.
The attendants scampered and posted guard by all the stage entrances to prevent him from storming the platform- which was their fear. Everyone was frightened, including me.
Later he returned to the religion, and the last I checked he attends the same Kingdom Hall I attended for all those years in Perry Hall/Carney (outskirts of Baltimore)
And yes, his son is Governing Body Helper David Schafer.
I was not close to David growing up because Wayne's wife high-tailed it out of Baltimore and moved to the west coast, Portland as I recall. Wayne's mother was Naomi Southard, the grandmother of David Schafer. She would travel whenever possible to Oregon to spend time with David her grandson, and she would always bring me back souvenirs.
When Mount St Helens erupted, Naomi brought be back several bags of volcanic ash which had settled everywhere. I still have that ash, 40 years later.